Monday, July 11, 2016

Art Post V: "The Royal We"

"The Royal We"
Winter 2009
Oil Pastels, Watercolours
It was a weird time in my life, which is why there is a chunk of art from then. I was desperately trying to become a better person, some one I wasn't horrified to look at in the mirror. I knew somehow, being clean from drugs and alcohol was part of it. I just couldn't figure out how or if I was even worth saving from the bottom of the rabbit hole.
It's a battle I still struggle with, all these years later. 

When I was finishing this, my boyfriend at the time insulted it. I realize now it was a projection of his own insecurities about his own art, but it led to me to putting away art until well after we broke up. Though, I am proud to say, ironically, this ended up being the first piece of art I ever sold.

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