Friday, May 1, 2015

Angry Johnny

Oh man, hey everyone! It's been awhile since I've used this thing, but that's about to change because things keep happening, and I want to share everything with you darlings!

First up, I'm working on some stage wear for a local musician as well as launching a brand new project with a friend. *_*

Here are two sketches for the musician, and I can't wait to get started on them:

And here is something I wanted to make for my first Xmortis, a local goth night that happens monthly, but got distracted with life:

The weekend is here, which means things! I'll be at Corrossion, a local goth night that also happens monthly. Sunday, I'll be vending at Intergalatic Dance Party. It was very nice to be invited to be a part of this special night.
I plan to take lots of pics, and tell you darlings all about it on Monday!
Please keep your eyes peeled to instagram, where I'm @rhicreatesthings as well as my facebook page, where I'll be posting outfits of the days, progress shots of my work, and some other fun things!

That's it for now, so go be your most awesome, and I'll see you back here on Monday!